July Discussion Thread

Okay, not to brag or whatever, but I have been having a real smarty-pants morning today. I asked good questions in a meeting and raised useful objections; then I pulled the “staying one Google step ahead” stunt where someone asked a question that I didn’t know the answer to, but on a subject I have a small bit of knowledge in (and find fascinating). So I came off like I knew things and had links and references ready to go, which I didn’t at the outset!

I love feeling smart. It’s a better feeling, to me, than feeling talented or good-looking or charming or just about anything else (and yes we CAN trace this to my childhood, thanks for asking!!). I know different people will rate it differently in importance, but that’s not the question today; today the question is What makes you feel smart?

Please note, I am simply feeling smart; under no circumstances should this be construed as me thinking that I in fact am Hot Shit (Brain Dept). So don’t Mean Girls meme me!!


or to participate.